Sunday, February 14, 2010


hey why should i have to make a rush, the contest will ended up very soon. gosh I'm losing my entry here by the way it doesn't matter. I never come to expect this competition will come into a big buzz here. nakz I think I must better stay up close at page 18, I hope I can be like blank he is a very talented man I ever met... Oh did I mention blank? Speaking about blank, most of his entry were in page 1. impressive doesn't it? I should better take a pray for that. I don't care if I'm going to lose. the funny thing happened here is... a friend of mine found my entry at the first page no wonder there is a possibility of mine to beat my genius opponent. by the way the contest was a very interesting competition ever since my admirable teacher founded this. i give my best sincerity in this contest although sincerity here is not totally in need. the funny thing i never come to expect is i am getting craze and taking a rush sitting well and without doing nothing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Surprise... Excited? Nakzzz… I have here a very interesting story to tell you, but first keep it a secret okay? Mmm… or else you can share it to others if you want and I allow you to. So here it is… the chatty news in rocreh web on search engine optimization. Here you can be amaze on how could be a disobedient and crazy student’s turn into a liable one. So be updated with this "the rocreh web design" a search engine optimization contest. Only here! In rocreh, the rockerz web community" you see participants here are very competitive in terms of search engine. I am also one of the participants actually, but I didn’t say I am also a competitive one. The opposition here is very daring and challenging, that is because one of the expert students in seo makes up the competition trickier. That is why I must keep on updating my entry for this competition. I am always busy as you can see, and I often get a headache with this. I am getting pressure, oppss I am not complaining I am happy of what I am doing. I enjoy this challenge in search engine. Anyway who do you think a person who founded this interesting competition? By then, let me introduce to you. He is a person who I idolized most, a very gifted man when it comes in computer. I hope I can be like him someday. He is more popular by knowing as bleuken the webmaster of all times. If you want to know about him more take a research of your own… hahaha kidding!
So what are you waiting for join with us…